If you really want to meet yourself in the middle of your own life and want to meet your needs, your deeper sense of being and emotional healing, you have to slow down and relax more. In order to experience life quality means to leave the path of rush and hurry.
One very famous german spiritual author and Bendiktine Monk had written in his book „Angels for your Life“ – „Wer hetzt, der hasst“ – means litterally „Who rushes, this one hates“. What does he mean by this?
Life is now. Life is prescious. Life is impermanent, as every experience is – no matter if it is a moment of happiness or sadness. If you reach out for a life, living with a fully presence of your mindful attention and self-awareness, which is by the way the fertile ground for your self-love, change and healing, you need to slow down and relax more.
Offer yourself and others the gift of kind attention. Give yourself the permission to trust your intrinsic nature of growing, develping your seeds of life and be with it. Like a snail pull yourself back into your own sacred space of nourishment to reflect, to feel, to heal. Become essential.
Ask yourself from time to time: How do I feel emotionally and physically?
For me as a hypersensible being, to slow down and relax more, is one of the most effective strategy and recipe for a more fulfilling and deepen life. My rythm of my soul is sacred. And what can I say: it works out. Anytime, My personal compass and seismograph is my heart, my body, my soulflow. I trust. I am truly certain that God knows how to lead me to my best version of myself, while I am leaning myself in a cosy cushion of a greater truth of time and consciousness.
If you want more emotional healing, slow down and relax more.
If you are struggeling with overthinking, slow down and relax more.
If you want change or to transform, slow down and relax more.
If you want to change the world, slow down and relax more.
If you want to open your heart more, slow down and relax more. If you want to celebrate life, slow down and relax more.
If you are striving for physical and and emotional health, slow down and relax more.
If you want better results in your life, slow down and relax more.
If you want a better and more effective Meditation Practice? Just relax in the state of your Practice in itsself.
If you are busy with plans for tomorrow, slow down and relax more.
If you are figthting with life or with yourself, slow down and relax more.
If you are loosing yourself in anxiety attacks, slow down and relax more.
If you want more moments of peace, happiness, slow down and relax more.
If you want to live your creative soul-potentials, slow down and relax more.
You are already happy? Slow down and relax even more.
Slow down and relax more anyway...
One of the remarkable sickness in this age is to clutter yourself with energatical and physical garbage of any kind of things and items... too much noise, too much activity, too much social media and self-centering-busyness, too much wanting and things, to much distraction, too much thinking, too much stress, and and and.. All this and much strategies more, are supporting you avoiding your true moment in life and yes to avoid to meet yourself now.
Allow you today to take the next step towards yourself and give yourself the loving attention and time. You are prescious and a holy being.
Much Love
#Holistic Psychotherapist #wisdomkeeper #healing-catalyst #whiteshaman #soulguide #writer #mentor #teacher #workshops #retreats
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